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Acta Universitatis Apulensis

Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia

Instructions to Authors



All papers submitted to our journal for the referring process must be prepared following the style of our journal. The formatting style and template can be found here [Style&Template]. 


Manuscripts should be written in English, should contain a short abstract, 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification, keywords and author"s address including the e-mail adress. 


The manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the following e-mail address: auajournal@uab.ro


The papers must be original and high-quality in order to be published. A paper may be sent to be published in Acta Universitatis Apulensis only if it had not been published in another journal or if it had not been submitted in order to be published to any other journal. 


The submitted paper will be reviewed by two specialists in the field, which will remain unknown to the author. The reviewing process lasts no more than 6 months. By the end of the reviewing process the author will receive one of the following answers: the paper will be published without any other changes, the paper will be published after some changes will be made, the paper will be re-analyzed after major changes have been made, the paper is denied publication. These decisions will be taken only after the references of the two reviewers reach similar conclusions. If one reference is positive and the other one negative the paper will be sent to be reviewed by a third reviewer whose decision on publication will be decisive. The final decision regarding publication will be taken by the Editorial Board. If a paper has been accepted to be published, it is supposed to be typed by the authors of the paper according to the specific format of the journal. This format must be wholly respected. Moreover, the authors are supposed to send the editor-in-chief a letter in which they should make it clear that the paper has not been plagiarized or published in any other journal and through which they grant the journal their copyright. The article will not be published unless such a letter is sent. The policy of our journal is to publish no more than two articles from the same author per year.